Monday, October 8, 2007

Springer - Computer Viruses from Theory to Applications - Download ebook

The idea of what a virus is has a different meaning in the non-specialist’s mind, so much so that most of the time viruses are confused with the more general idea of malware (or malicious programs). The term of “virus” for computers appeared only in 1988. However, the artificial beings that are denoted by the term of virus did in fact exist many years before and their theoretical fundaments were established long before their real existence. The formal work of mathematicians during the 1930s largely contributed to the development of viruses. A number of virus writers have discovered a huge field of applications with this formalization. This fact may be less wellknown. Early viruses only put von Neumann’s theory of self-reproducing automata into application. In the same way, viral polymorphism did not appear “ex nihilo”. This book takes you through logic of some famous viruses and in way teach you what are different things that virus writers target for.
Download this book in digital format below.

ebook info:
Computer viruses: from theory to applications
by Eric Filiol
Springer Publications
ebook format: PDF
ISBN-10: 2-287-20297-8

Download this ebook here:
Click and Download link - 2.3MB

Always buy original paperback edition, and experience the difference.