Saturday, October 6, 2007

Springer - Computer Security in the 21st Century - Download ebook

Computer security has moved to the forefront of public concern in the new millennium. Hardly a day passes where newspaper headlines do not scream out worries about "phishing" , "identity theft" , "browser exploits" , "computer worms" , "computer viruses" , "online privacy" , and related concerns. The major vendor of computer operating systems has announced that computer security is now its top priority. Governments around the world, including most major governments in North America, Europe, and East Asia continue to worry about "cyber-terrorism" and "cyber-war" as active concerns. It was in this charged environment that we decided to hold a workshop in December 2003 on emerging technologies for computer security. The workshop was held in Taipei in conjunction with several other conferences (notably Asiacrypt) and featured leading researchers from the Asia-Pacific region and the United States. What followed was three days of exchange of ideas that led to a number of significant developments. This book attempts to share some of the research trends that were reflected in the best papers published at the

Book info:
Computer Security in the 21st Century
by D.T. Lee, S.P. Shieh, J.D. Tygar.
Syngress Publications
ebook format: PDF
ISBN-10: 0-387-24005-5

Download this ebook here:
Click and Download link -12.33MB

Always buy original paperback edition, and experience the difference.