Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Prentice Hall - Biometrics and Network Security - Download ebook

In Biometrics for Network Security, biometrics security expert Paul Reid covers a variety of biometric options, ranging from fingerprint identification to voice verification to hand, face, and eye scanning. Approaching the subject from a practitioner's point of view, Reid describes guidelines, applications, and procedures for implementing biometric solutions for your network security systems.
Coverage includes:
- An introduction to authentication technologies and biometrics Dealing with privacy issues
- Biometric technologies, including finger, hand geometry, handwriting, iris, retina, voice, and face
- Security concerns related to biometrics, including attempts to spoof or fake results
- Deployment of biometric security systems, including vendor selection and roll out procedures
- Real-life case studies
For security, system, and network administrators and managers, as well as anyone who is interested in the application of cutting-edge biometric technology, Biometrics for Network Security will prove an indispensable addition to your library!
Download this book in digital format for free.

Book info:
Biometrics for Network Security
By Paul Reid
Prentice Hall PTR Publications
ebook format: CHM
ISBN-10: 0-13-101549-4

Download this ebook here:
Click and Download link - 1.1MB

Always buy original paperback edition, and experience the difference.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

OReilly - Practical Unix and Internet Security - Download ebook

This new edition of Practical Unix & Internet Security provides detailed coverage of today's increasingly important security and networking issues. Focusing on the four most popular Unix variants today--Solaris, Mac OS X, Linux, and FreeBSD--this book contains new information on PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules), LDAP, SMB/Samba, anti-theft technologies, embedded systems, wireless and laptop issues, forensics, intrusion detection, chroot jails, telephone scanners and firewalls, virtual and cryptographic filesystems, WebNFS, kernel security levels, outsourcing, legal issues, new Internet protocols and cryptographic algorithms, and much more.
Download the digital version of this book free below.

Book info:
Practical Unix & Internet Security, 3rd Edition
By Simson Garfinkel, Alan Schwartz, Gene Spafford
O'Reilly Publications
ebook format: CHM
ISBN-10: 0-596-00323-4

Download this ebook here:
Click and Download link - 2.5MB

Always buy original paperback edition, and experience the difference.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

OReilly - IRC Hacks - Download ebook

While IRC is easy to get into and many people are happy to use it without being aware of what's happening under the hood, there are those who hunger for more knowledge, and this book is for them. Some of the world's most renowned IRC hackers have grouped together to contribute their hacks, making this book essential reading for anybody who wants to create IRC bots, tweak their IRC client, or even write their own. IRC Hacks is a collection of tips and tools that cover just about everything needed to become a true IRC master, featuring contributions from some of the most renowned IRC hackers, many of whom collaborated on IRC, grouping together to form the channel #irchacks on the freenode IRC network (irc.freenode.net). Like all of our Hacks books, there are many different ways to use IRC Hacks.
Download this book in digital version for free.

Book info:
IRC Hacks: 100 Industrial-Strength Tips & Tools
By Paul Mutton
O'Reilly Publications
ebook format: CHM
ISBN-10: 0-596-00687-X

Download this ebook here:
Click and Download link - 3.3MB

Always buy original paperback edition, and experience the difference.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Syngress - Stealing the Network - Download ebook

Stealing the Network: How to Own the Box is a unique book in the fiction department. It combines stories that are fictional with technology that is real.While none of these specific events have happened, there is no reason why they could not.You could argue it provides a roadmap for criminal hackers, but I say it does something else: It provides a glimpse into the creative minds of some of today’s best hackers, and even the best hackers will tell you that the game is a mental one.The phrase “Root is a state of mind,” coined by K0resh and printed on shirts from DEF CON, sums this up nicely.While you may have the skills, if you lack the mental fortitude, you will never reach the top.This is what separates the truly elite hackers from the wannabe hackers.
Donwload this book in digital format.

Book info:
Stealing the Network: How to Own the Box
Ryan Russell Tim Mullen (Thor) FX Dan “Effugas” Kaminsky
Joe Grand Ken Pfeil Ido Durbrawsky
Mark Burnett Paul Craig
Syngress Publications
ebook format: PDF
ISBN-10: 1-931836-87-6

Download this ebook here:
Click and Download link - 4.8MB

Always buy original paperback edition, and experience the difference.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Syngress - Nokia Network Security Solutions Handbook - Download ebook

The Nokia Network Security Solutions Handbook introduces readers to both the basics and the finer points of administering, configuring, and securing the Nokia IP-series hardware appliances. It introduces readers to the different hardware models and covers the features associated with each. Installation and setup are covered in detail, as well as installation and configuration of the Check Point firewall on the Nokia system.
Readers will learn basic system administration, security, and monitoring before moving into advanced system administration concepts, as well as learning how to use Nokia's command line interface. Routing configurations and the different protocols involved are covered in detail, finishing off with a comprehensive discussion of the High-availability configuration that is Nokia's strength. The appendices include coverage of the UNIX basics which lie at the heart of the IPSO operating system and a review of the other packages available for Nokia systems (such as Perl and Bash).
Download this book in digital format.

Book info:
Nokia Network Security Solutions Handbook
by Kyle X. Hourihan, Daniel Kligerman, Tony Bautts,
Robert J. Shimonski, Kevin Greene
Syngress Publications
ebook format: PDF
ISBN-10: 1-931836-70-1

Download this ebook here:
Click and Download link - 11.2MB

Always buy original paperback edition, and experience the difference.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

OReilly - Linux Security Cookbook - Download ebook

The Linux Security Cookbook includes real solutions to a wide range of targeted problems, such as sending encrypted email within Emacs, restricting access to network services at particular times of day, firewalling awebserver, preventing IP spoofing, setting up key-based SSH authentication, and much more. With over 150 ready-to-use scripts and configuration files, this unique book helps administrators and security enthusiasts secure their systems without having to look up specific syntax.

Book info:
Linux Security Cookbook
By Daniel J. Barrett, Robert G. Byrnes, Richard Silverman
O'Reilly Publications
ebook format: CHM
ISBN-10: 0-596-00391-9

Download this ebook here:
Click and Download link - 672KB

Always buy original paperback edition, and experience the difference.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

iDefense Labs - Hacking The Invisible Network - Download ebook

Several reports have discussed weakness in the Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) algorithm employed by 802.11x standard to encrypt wireless data. This has lead to development of automated tools, such as AirSnort and WEPCrack, that automate recovery of encryption keys. This document addresses how to find the vulnerablilities inherent in WEP algorithm, how to determine if a WLAN is vulnerable using freeware tools and most importantly how to best secure WLANs.

Book info:
Hacking the Invisible Network: Insecurities in 802.11x
by Michael Sutton
iDEFENSE Labs Publications

Download this ebook here:
Click and Download link - 336KB

Always buy original paperback edition, and experience the difference.

Monday, October 15, 2007

OReilly - PDF Hacks - Download ebook

PDF Hacks is ideal for anyone who works with PDF on a regular basis. Learn how to create PDF documents that are far more powerful than simple representations of paper pages. Hacks cover the full range of PDF functionality, including generating, manipulating, annotating, and consuming PDF information. Far more than another guide to Adobe Acrobat, the book covers a variety of readily available tools for generating, deploying, and editing PDF.
PDF Hacks will show you how to create PDF documents that are far more powerful than simple representations of paper pages. The hacks in the book cover the full range of PDF functionality, from the simple to the more complex, including generating, manipulating, annotating, and consuming PDF information. You'll learn how to manage content in PDF, navigate it, and reuse it as necessary. Far more than another guide to Adobe Acrobat, the book covers a variety of readily available tools for generating, deploying, and editing PDF.

Book info:
PDF Hacks: 100 Industrial-Strength Tips & Tools
By Sid Steward
O'Reilly Publications
ebook format: CHM
ISBN-10: 0-596-00655-1

Download this ebook here:
Click and Download link - 3.6MB

Always buy original paperback edition, and experience the difference.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

MS press - Security+ Certification - Download ebook

Welcome to the Security+ Certification Training Kit. This training kit introduces the basic concepts of computer security. It is designed to prepare you to take the Security+ Certification exam administered by the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA). The Security+ Certification program covers the computer security technologies most commonly used today. Passing the Security+ Certification exam means you are certified as possessing the basic knowledge and skills needed to work in computer security. However, this book is not just about getting you through the exam. The lessons in these chapters also provide you with knowledge you'll use to create a more secure computing environment.

Book info:
Security+ Certification Training Kit
by Microsoft Corporation ,Andy Ruth, Kurt Hudson
Microsoft Corporation Press Publications
ebook format: CHM
ISBN-13: 9780735618220
ISBN-10: 0735618224

Download this ebook here:
Click and Download link - 1.2MB

Always buy original paperback edition, and experience the difference.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Sybex - Computer Forensics JumpStart - Download ebook

This book covers the field of computer forensics, including the basic elements, concepts, tools, and common activities that will prepare you with a solid under- standing of the field. You will be able to participate in investigations and under- stand the process of finding, collecting, and analyzing evidence. The material in this book can be applied to both criminal investigations and incident response activities. You don't have to be a member of law enforcement to benefit from the material presented here. Nontechnical people can also benefit from this book in that it covers the basic approach computer examiners take in an investigation.

Book info:
Computer Forensics JumpStart
by Michael G. Solomon, Diane Barrett and Neil Broom
Sybex Publications
ebook format: CHM
ISBN-10: 078214375x

Download this ebook here:
Click and Download link - 8.08MB

Always buy original paperback edition, and experience the difference.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Auerbach - Cyber Crime Investigators Field Guide - Download ebook

Organizations demand experts with both investigative talents and a technical knowledge of how cyberspace really works. Cyber Crime Investigator's Field Guide, Second Edition provides the investigative framework that needs to be followed, along with information about how cyberspace works and the tools that reveal the who, what, when, where, why, and how in the investigation of cyber crime. This volume offers a valuable Q&A by subject area, an extensive overview of recommended reference materials, and a detailed case study. Appendices highlight attack signatures, UNIX/Linux commands, Cisco PIX commands, port numbers targeted by trojan horses, and more.

ebook info:
Cyber Crime Investigators Field Guide
by Bruce Middleton
Auerbach - CRC Press Publications
ebook format: PDF
ISBN-10: 0-8493-1192-6

Download this ebook here:
Click and Download link - 1.6MB

Always buy original paperback edition, and experience the difference.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Addison Wesley - Real 802.11 Security wi-fi Protected Access - Download ebook

Real 802.11 Security addresses the theory, implementations, and reality of Wi-Fi security. It provides an overview of security issues, explains how security works in Wi-Fi networks, and explores various security and authentication protocols. The book concludes with an in-depth discussion of real-world security issues and attack tools. Written by two experts in wireless security, Jon Edney and William Arbaugh, this book shows you how to stay informed and aware when making security decisions, and what steps you can take to implement the most effective, proactive wireless security now and in the future.

ebook info:
Real 802.11 Security: Wi-Fi Protected Access and 802.11i
By Jon Edney, William A. Arbaugh
Addison Wesley Publications
ebook format: CHM
ISBN-10: 0-321-13620-9

Download this ebook here:
Click and Download link - 3.06MB

Always buy original paperback edition, and experience the difference.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Wiley - Hack Attacks Revealed - Download ebook

The primary objective of this book is to lay a solid foundation from which to explore the world of security. Simply, this book tells the truth about hacking, to bring awareness about the so-called Underground, the hacker’s community, and to provide the tools for doing so.
The book is divided into six parts:
· Part 1: In the Beginning
· Part 2: Putting It All Together
· Part 3: Uncovering Vulnerabilities
· Part 4: Hacking Security Holes
. Part 5: Vulnerability Hacking Secrets
. Part 6: The Hacker’s Toolbox
Evaluators of this book have suggested that this book it may become a required reference for managers, network administrators (CNAs, MCPs), network engineers (CNEs, MCSEs), internetworking engineers (CCNA/P, CCIEs), even interested laypeople. The material in this book will give the members in each of these categories a better understanding of how to hack their network vulnerabilities.
Download this book in digital format.

ebook info;
Hack Attacks Revealed A Complete Reference with Custom Security Hacking Toolkit
by John Chirillo
Wiley Publications
ebook format: PDF
ISBN-10: 0-471-41624-X

Download this ebook here:
Click and Download link - 7.3MB

Always buy original paperback edition, and experience the difference.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Springer - Computer Viruses from Theory to Applications - Download ebook

The idea of what a virus is has a different meaning in the non-specialist’s mind, so much so that most of the time viruses are confused with the more general idea of malware (or malicious programs). The term of “virus” for computers appeared only in 1988. However, the artificial beings that are denoted by the term of virus did in fact exist many years before and their theoretical fundaments were established long before their real existence. The formal work of mathematicians during the 1930s largely contributed to the development of viruses. A number of virus writers have discovered a huge field of applications with this formalization. This fact may be less wellknown. Early viruses only put von Neumann’s theory of self-reproducing automata into application. In the same way, viral polymorphism did not appear “ex nihilo”. This book takes you through logic of some famous viruses and in way teach you what are different things that virus writers target for.
Download this book in digital format below.

ebook info:
Computer viruses: from theory to applications
by Eric Filiol
Springer Publications
ebook format: PDF
ISBN-10: 2-287-20297-8

Download this ebook here:
Click and Download link - 2.3MB

Always buy original paperback edition, and experience the difference.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Springer - Computer Security in the 21st Century - Download ebook

Computer security has moved to the forefront of public concern in the new millennium. Hardly a day passes where newspaper headlines do not scream out worries about "phishing" , "identity theft" , "browser exploits" , "computer worms" , "computer viruses" , "online privacy" , and related concerns. The major vendor of computer operating systems has announced that computer security is now its top priority. Governments around the world, including most major governments in North America, Europe, and East Asia continue to worry about "cyber-terrorism" and "cyber-war" as active concerns. It was in this charged environment that we decided to hold a workshop in December 2003 on emerging technologies for computer security. The workshop was held in Taipei in conjunction with several other conferences (notably Asiacrypt) and featured leading researchers from the Asia-Pacific region and the United States. What followed was three days of exchange of ideas that led to a number of significant developments. This book attempts to share some of the research trends that were reflected in the best papers published at the

Book info:
Computer Security in the 21st Century
by D.T. Lee, S.P. Shieh, J.D. Tygar.
Syngress Publications
ebook format: PDF
ISBN-10: 0-387-24005-5

Download this ebook here:
Click and Download link -12.33MB

Always buy original paperback edition, and experience the difference.