Friday, November 16, 2007

EC-council - Official Ethical Hacking Courseware - Download ebook

This module attempts to bridge various aspects of ethical hacking by suggesting an approach for undertaking penetration testing. There are different ways of approaching a penetration test.
This book covers following topics in depth
- Footprinting / Information Gathering phase
- Discovery and Planning / Information Analysis phase
- Detecting a vulnerability / security loophole
- Attack / Penetration / Compromise
- Analysis of security posture / Cover up / Report
- Clean up
Download this book in digital format.

ebook info:
Ethical Hacking (EC-Council Exam 312-50): Student Courseware
by International Council of Electronic Commerce Consultants
OSB Publication
ebook format: CHM
ISBN-10: 0972936211

Download this ebook here:
Click and Download link - 14.8MB

Always buy original paperback edition, and experience the difference.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Prentice Hall - Intrusion Detection Systems with Snort - Download ebook

Snort is an open source Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) which is
available free of cost. NIDS is the type of Intrusion Detection System (IDS) that is used for scanning data flowing on the network.
The book starts with an introduction to intrusion detection and related terminology.
You will learn installation and management of Snort as well as other products that work with Snort. These products include MySQL database and Analysis Control for Intrusion Database (ACID). Snort has the capability to log data collected (such as alerts and other log messages) to a database. MySQL is used as the database engine where all of this data is stored. Using Apache web server and ACID, you can analyze this data. A combinationof Snort, Apache, MySQL, and ACID makes it possible to log the intrusion.
Download the digital version of this book.

Book info:
Intrusion Detection Systems with Snort
by Rafeeq Ur Rehman
Prentice Hall publications
ebook format: PDF
ISBN-10: 0-13-140733-3

Download this ebook here:
Click and Download link

Always buy original paperback edition, and experience the difference.

Friday, November 9, 2007

OReilly - Spidering Hacks - Download ebook

There comes a time when surfing just isn't enough. It may be that you get sick of checking the Amazon rank of your favourite book, or you find a stash of images or media files that you want to download or maybe you find yourself endlessly cycling through the same set of sites day in a day out looking for specific pieces of data (stock prices, weather reports, news items, knitting patterns …). When that day dawns then that's when you start looking seriously at the different spidering options that are available to do away with the drudgery or to expand your reach. It should also be a day when you reach for 'Spidering Hacks', particularly if you're a Perl user or are prepared to dive in and learn.
As already mentioned, the hacks in this book mostly use Perl, though scattered here and there you'll find some Java, Python and PHP. If you really hate Perl, then this is not the place for you. On the other hand the authors assume only a rudimentary knowledge of Perl, and there is no requirement for any knowledge of network programming of any description. After the opening chapter which gives guidance of being a going spidering citizen (i.e. how to respect the sites you are sucking data from), there is a second chapter which details how to create a spidering toolkit (i.e. how to find and install the site of modules that many of the hacks depend on).
Download this book in digital format.

Book info:
Spidering Hacks
By Tara Calishain, Kevin Hemenway
O'Reilly Publications
ebook format: CHM
ISBN-10: 0-596-00577-6

Download this ebook here:
Click and Download link - 1.4MB

Always buy original paperback edition, and experience the difference.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

McGraw Hill - HackNotes Web Security Portable Reference - Download ebook

This book should serve as a reference, hopefully dog-eared and lying
next to the keyboard. It collects a lot of information from security
sites, but introduces new techniques and pointers and ties them into a
trusted methodology. Thus, the Reference Center might be sufficient for
the experienced web hacker who lives by the URL alone, as well as
someone interested in an aspect of security outside of port scanners and
canned buffer overflow exploits. Every web application is different. In
this book you will find the methods to analyze, pick apart, and secure
any application. The methodology is still there, but the focus is on tools
and techniques.
Download this book in digital format.

Book info:
HACKNOTES Web Security Portable Reference
by Mike Shema
McGraw Hill Publications
ebook format: PDF
ISBN-10: 0-07-222784-2

Download this ebook here:
Click and Download link - 2.07MB

Always buy original paperback edition, and experience the difference.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Securing & Optimizing Linux: The Ultimate Solution - Download ebook

This 3rd edition of the very popular title "Securing & Optimizing Linux" looks for security measures that go beyond firewalls and intrusion detection systems to anticipate and protect against upcoming threats. Securing & Optimizing Linux: The Hacking Solution: A hacker's guide to protect your Linux server designed for system administrators, managers, or Linux users who wish to protect their Linux systems from unauthorized intrusions and other external attacks. This new edition contains many tips and useful information related to security and optimization to help you get complete control of what could happen on your Linux server and network.

Book info:
Securing and Optimizing Linux: The Ultimate Solution
by Gerhard Mourani
Open Network Architecture, Inc. Publication
ebook format: PDF
ISBN-10: 0-9688793-0-6

Download this ebook here:
Click and Download link - 6.5MB

Always buy original paperback edition, and experience the difference.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Addison Wesley - Hackers Delight - Download ebook

This is a collection of small programming tricks that author have come across over many years. Most of them will work only on computers that represent integers in two's-complement form. Although a 32-bit machine is assumed when the register length is relevant, most of the tricks are easily adapted to machines with other register sizes. This book does not deal with large tricks such as sophisticated sorting and compiler optimization techniques. Rather, it deals with small tricks that usually involve individual computer words or instructions, such as counting the number of 1-bits in a word. Such tricks often use a mixture of arithmetic and logical instructions.
Download the digital version of this book.

Book info:
Hacker's Delight
By Henry S. Warren,
Addison Wesley Publications
ebook format: CHM
ISBN: 0-201-91465-4

Download this ebook here:
Click and Download link - 2.2MB

Always buy original paperback edition, and experience the difference.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Hacking Secrets Revealed - Download ebook

These are just a few of the topics that will be covered in this document:
- How “hackers” get into your system
- What tools they use
- How a hacker can effectively “Bug” your house via your
computer. (Don’t believe me, read on you’ll be very
- What information they have access to. And why you
should try to protect yourself. (You might be surprised to
find out what they know.)
- Tips and tricks that hackers use
- How your Antivirus software alone is not enough
- What to look for if you suspect you’re being hacked
- What the greatest flaw to all computers are
And more…

Book info:
Hacking Secrets Revealed
by S&C enterprises

Download this ebook here:
Click and Download link - 504KB

Always buy original paperback edition, and experience the difference.

Friday, November 2, 2007

APress - Cryptography in C and C++ - Download ebook

This book offers a comprehensive, yet relentlessly practical overview of the fundamentals of modern cryptography. Welschenbach avoids complexities by explaining cryptography and its mathematical basis in terms a programmer can easily understand. Coverage mainly focuses on the practical aspects involved in implementing public key cryptography methods, such as the RSA algorithm. It also gives both a technical overview and an implementation of the Rijndael Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm.The book includes a wide-ranging library of code in C and C++, including the RSA algorithm, completed by an extensive Test Suite that proves that the code works correctly. Readers will learn, step by step, how to implement a platform independent library for the all-important multi-precision arithmetic used in modern cryptography. This is followed by an implementation of the cryptographic algorithms themselves.
Download the digital version of this book.

Book info:
Cryptography in C and C++
by Michael Welschenbach
Apress Publications
ebook format: CHM

Download this ebook here:
Click and Download link - 3.6MB

Always buy original paperback edition, and experience the difference.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

OReilly - Wireless Hacks - Download ebook

As with any new technology, buying your gear is only the first step. Understanding how to make the best use of it is another story. Wireless Hacks offers 100 industrial-strength tips about wireless networking, contributed by experts who apply what they know in the real world every day. Each Hack can be read in just a few minutes, but can save you hours of research. Inside, you will find a wealth of useful techniques for making the most out of wireless technology, including:
Written for the intermediate to advanced wireless user, Wireless Hacks is full of direct, practical, ingenious solutions to real-world networking problems. Whether your wireless network needs to extend to the edge of your office or to the other end of town, this collection of non-obvious, "from the field" techniques will show you how to get the job done.

Book info:
Wireless Hacks: 100 industrial Strength tips and tools
By Rob Flickenger
O'Reilly OPublications
ebook format: CHM
ISBN-10: 0-596-00559-8

Download this ebook here:
Click and Download link - 4.2MB

Always buy original paperback edition, and experience the difference.